Eat Big in US!

In the United States I went once with a colleague to very nice restaurant, there is a dish where not a meat is important, only the very hot stone below, makes a difference! ;-).

Damgo Dako!

In the United States I was so far only once, in the Michigan and OhioThanks to one colleague we visited once Henry Ford Museum and I got this nice souvenir… ;-).

Bag-ong mga ideya sa negosyo!

Ang pagsugod ug bag-ong negosyo sama sa pagpalit ug sakayan ug pagsugod ug float sa tubig. Usahay mag-inusara usahay kauban ang labing maayong mga higala nga imong kasaligan, ug mao kana ang hinungdan, sa pagsulay! ;-).

The tasty Polish food!

And what if not good food makes rest time special? Well, drinks, right?! Good food instead of with delicate meat and mushrooms and creamy sauceyes! I love Polish food!