Amazing Government Limousine
On my trip to the United States I saw and even got picture with the President Limousine… It is beauty, shine, black and glass and silver… and even a bullet proof, amazing! ;-).
arabera.. Piotr Sowa
On my trip to the United States I saw and even got picture with the President Limousine… It is beauty, shine, black and glass and silver… and even a bullet proof, amazing! ;-).
In the United States I went once with a colleague to very nice restaurant, there is a dish where not a meat is important, only the very hot stone below, makes a difference! ;-).
In the United States I was so far only once, in the Michigan and Ohio… Thanks to one colleague we visited once Henry Ford Museum and I got this nice souvenir… ;-).
Negozio berri bat abiaraztea itsasontzi bat erosi eta ur gainean flotagailu bat hastea bezalakoa da. Batzuetan bakarrik beste batzuetan konfiantza dezakezun lagun onenekin, eta hori da arrazoia, probatzeko! ;-).
My favourites of colour is green. Green like a center of Czorsztyn, where all is so beauty. Sky, mountains, flowers, plants, grass… I think this is a good photo ;-).
And what if not good food makes rest time special? Well, drinks, right?! Good food instead of with delicate meat and mushrooms and creamy sauce… yes! I love Polish food!
Gogoan dut nire alabaren dibertsio saltoka hau. Oso pozik zegoen, eta ez zegoen ezer kezkatzeko, eguraldi ona besterik ez eta jolastu, irribarrez, barrez. Asko faltan botatzen dut merezitako jaitsiera!
I remember second time we visited Czorsztyn in 2019. It was amazing summer, nice vacation time, truly deserved time with my family. I love to remember.
There are places on this Earth sometimes very close… We visited it for the first time in 2018. Now, I miss this place. I truly rested a few times and loved to see the pictures!